Friday, January 21, 2011


Tomorrow's FLL!
Are you guys ready?
Power up for FLL, okay?

I believe that you guys can do it! :)


"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."
-Dale Carnegie

Current Solutions

Plant Sterols

Plant sterols, contained in walnuts, salmon and oatmeal are said to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Plant sterols are found naturally in small amounts in many grains, seeds and vegetables.

Sterols and stanols look like cholesterol at a molecular level so when they travel through your digestive tract, it gets absorbed too. Thus preventing the real cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream, reducing clogging of arteries and it just gets egested out from our body.

Plant sterols and stanols have been used as food addictives to lower cholesterol properties by reducing cholesterol absorption in the intestines.


It is derived from phosphatidylcholine which is a chief component of soy lecithin. The unique property of lecithin is its ability to break down or emulsify fat. For many years it has been taken orally in order to lower cholesterol, and given directly into veins in order to prevent the formation of a fat embolism (clot) in the blood

Today, after many years of research and clinical trials, it has been found that if this enzyme is injected directly into fat, virtually anywhere on the body, it has the same result. The fat is removed safely, effectively and permanently without any surgical procedures.

Heart Attack Treatments

Nitroglycerin, Thrombolytic agents and Anticoagulants are used to treat heart attacks.

Nitroglycerin dilates the blood vessels to the heart. It is administered sublingually (under the tongue), and quickly reduces or relieves the chest pain.

Thrombolytics are given intravenously to dissolve the blood clot that is causing the heart attack.

Aspirin is an anticoagulant. If you feel chest pain and suspect that you are suffering a heart attack, take an aspirin even before you get to the hospital. The aspirin will "thin" the blood and reduce further clot formation. Heparin, another type of anticoagulant, is administered intravenously for a few days after a heart attack has occurred.

In addition to the medications, you may undergo surgery like ballooning or bypass to manage blockage of the arteries.

Lipodissolve should not be regarded as a new miracle treatment for weight reduction but when it comes to fat deposits which cannot be eliminated through diet and exercise, Lipodissolve initiates a process by which the fat is melted away and then eliminated from the body via the usual metabolic processes.

Lipodissolve injections must be carried out by medical experts trained in this field In order to achieve a successful treatment, knowledge about fat deposits in the body, the correct injection technique, and the right dosage for the treatment area is of the utmost importance.

Lipodissolve: Current Status

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) recently announced the preliminary results of a small study of mesotherapy. Seven participants were injected with a standardized PC/DC cocktail in one half of their abdomen during up to four sessions that were spaced eight weeks apart. They were allowed to request treatment in the other side of their abdomen after the initial results were analyzed.

Study investigators used magnetic resonance imaging to measure any changes in fat thickness. They found that the lipodissolve treatments banished one centimeter of fat on the treated side. Six of seven study participants said they saw a visible difference and opted to treat the untreated side of their abdomen. Side effects included swelling, redness, bruising, and some pain, but there were no serious side effects seen in this study. The next step is to follow participants for longer periods of time, and possibly study this treatment among larger groups of people.

Our Solution

Part 1: iPulse

iPulse is a heart rate monitor that can be worn as a watch at your wrist. It is able to receive information such as heart rates via Bluetooth. This function is wireless and thus reduces the hassle to untangle wires or pose as an electrical hazard.

It consists of 2 attachments; firstly it is the “Chest Pad” and secondly it has another attachment that has a syringe containing the suppressing formula.

The Chest Pad has to be worn on the centre of the chest as it is nearer to the heart. It measures the heart rate per seconds and the information can be sent over to the iPulse via Bluetooth.

The syringe is attached to a wire that can be connected to the iPulse through a jack and releases the formula once the chest pad has detected that the user has gotten a heart attack. This formula must be released within the golden 5 minutes during the start of the attack.

In the formula, it contains the NanoCrab which is the second part of our solution.

Part 2: Nanocrab

What is Nanocrab?

It is a nanoparticle that has a crab-like structure and it flows in the bloodstream of the artery.

Its Structure

Its claw structure contains L-lysine in order to detect a plaque caused by atherosclerosis. L-lysine actually bonds to the plaque and prodcues carnitine which converts fatty acids to energy. Due to excessive fatty materials in the patient, it is important that we remove the excess or even change the excess to something more essential such as energy. Thus at the same time, it will ‘scrape’ the plaque off slowly. These waste products will be removed via usual metabolic processes.

Disadvantages of its structure

However, what we are afraid is that this Nanocrab may cause abrasion against the walls of the arteries due to its crab-like structures. Overtime, abrasion may even lead to damaged blood vessels.

How will damaged blood vessels be healed then?

When blood vessels are damaged, it will lead to blood clotting. Clotting of blood will be done at the site of damage.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Plant Sterols

What are plant sterols?
Plant sterol, also known as phytosterol are found naturally in plants. They can be found in small quantities in vegetable oils. It is said to lower cholesterol level and thus reducing the risk of heart diseases.

However, plant sterols are said to increase the risk of atherosclerosis in some people due to a rare genetic condition - sitosterolemia. A 2008 study conducted in Finland showed that sterols can accumulate in heart valves, suggesting that dietary sterols might increase the risk of aortic valve stenosis. (adapted from Wikipedia)

Did you know...
Magonolia's HL Milk contains plant sterols and it helps to reduce cholesterol levels!
However, taking excessive amount of plant sterols will increase the risk of atherosclerosis.

Pauling Therapy and Pauling Theory

What is Pauling Theory?

According to Linus Pauling and his research team, the condition that most doctors termed - “heart disease” is not a disease at all. On the contrary, it is a symptom caused by a missing enzyme in humans that is needed in order to produce ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in the body. Humans are unable to make Vitamin C in the liver like most animals so they require high levels of ascorbic acid in the diet to manufacture the vast amounts of collagen required for the maintenance of blood vessels, bones, organs skin, ligaments, cartilage and teeth.

However, based on Wikipedia and most health-related websites, it is stated that coronary heart disease refers to the failure of coronary circulation to supply adequate circulation to cardiac muscles and surrounding tissue. This disease is caused by further development of atherosclerosis, a process that fatty deposits such as cholesterol builds up in the inner lining of the artery. This buildup is called a “plaque” and causes the lumen of the artery to narrow, reducing the blood flow. If the artery that is supposed to direct the blood flow to the heart gets blocked, it may cause a heart attack.

Based on, statistic, coronary heart disease has caused 141.5 thousands of deaths in America. What is the root of this problem?

The Root of the Problem

A miniscule amount of Vitamin C of 60 to 75 mg can actually prevent death from Vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy however it is insufficient for the body to produce more collagen to maintain the strength and integrity of its entire cardiovascular system as well as bones and organs.

Daily intake of Vitamin C is integral to treat latent or chronic scurvy known as “human atherosclerosis”. Pauling’s research concluded that daily intake of no less than 3000 mg of Vitamin C is required for adequate collagen production and protection form heart disease and that daily intake of no less than 6000mg is required for those diagnosed with heart disease.

The Discovery

Lipoprotein (a) was discovered in 1963, a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol particle and pose as a high risk factor for coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and thrombosis etc. Unfortunately, testing for lipoprotein (a) is not typically performed during routine cholesterol testing and thus most people are unaware of their true heart disease risk.

Results of a large US study, published in New England Journal of Medicine in 2003 suggested that among older adults in the US, lipoprotein (a) is an independent predictor of stroke, death and any cardiovascular disease and death from any cause, especially in men.

The Invention

In 1987, it was discovered that lipoprotein (a) cholesterol molecules were found to contain “lysine binding site” that are responsible for the deposit of plaques on the arterial walls when they are deficient in collagen that results from the insufficient intake of Vitamin C.

Arteries deficient in collagen will deteriorate and their walls will weaken. Plaques are the body's way of "patching" these failing arteries to prevent them from rupturing. This occurs because of something called the "lysine binding site" on the lipoprotein (a) molecules circulating in the blood. When this damage occurs to the tissue of the artery wall, it exposes the amino acid lysine within the tissue. Lipoprotein (a) has a natural attraction to lysine; it sticks to the lysine in the damaged artery walls and creates a natural plaster "cast" that shores up the arteries. Without this repair mechanism the arteries would rupture or leak blood and cause death from this chronic form of scurvy much sooner.

Vitamin C and lysine in large amounts become a group of lipoprotein (a) cholesterol binding inhibitors that restore vascular health and are patented to destroy atherosclerotic plaques. Pauling's experiments proved that "simply administering the proper nutrients, in the proper combination, at the proper dosage could eradicate heart disease."

Pauling’s Quotes

Pauling himself indicated during a 1994 Interview when questioned about the significance of these findings:

"Now I’ve got to the point where I think we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of vitamin C and lysine. It can prevent cardiovascular disease and even cure it." Linus Pauling Interview, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1994.

In Pauling's last private telephone interview with reporter Peter Barry Chowka conducted on April 9, 1994, he expressed his dismay that this theory of heart disease wasn't formulated and the disease eradicated decades earlier, stating:

". . . I have trouble understanding why somebody interested in heart disease didn't think of it 20 or 30 years ago when it was accepted by cardiologists that the primary cause of atherosclerosis and heart disease is a lesion in the wall of an artery in a region of stress. So I asked myself two or three years ago, 'Why should there be a lesion in the wall of the artery?' Animals don't have these lesions in regions of stress. Well, you have the lesions because arteries are weak. Why are they weak? Ordinarily, animals' arteries are strengthened by the deposit of collagen. And you can't make collagen without using up vitamin C. Humans don't get enough vitamin C, so their arteries are weak. And then a lesion forms, followed by the other stages of developing heart disease. THEREFORE, DEFICIENT INTAKE OF VITAMIN C IS A PRIMARY CAUSE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE."



Atherosclerosis will eventually cause 2 main problems: One of which is the atheromatous plaques will lead to plaque ruptures and clots inside the lumen of the artery. The clots are able to heal but usually shrink and leave the artery to narrow or worse still, close the entire lumen of the artery. Thus, this will bring down the efficiency of blood supply.

Atherosclerosis is a progressive and painless progress and caused by the hole in the arterial wall and allowing cholesterol and fatty materials to fill up the hole. These fatty substances oxidize and activate the white blood cell to release signals for more white blood cells to clutter at the damaged area. These white blood cells form into foam cells thus causing a plaque to form and narrowing the artery.

Thus, atherosclerosis is the culprit of heart disease.

In order to reduce atherosclerosis, one must:

- Maintain a healthy diet

- Doing regular exercise

- Abstaining from smoking

However, it will not unclog the artery but lower the risk of having more heart problems.

Drugs have been used to lower cholesterol levels such as:

- Statins (commonly used drug that lowers cholesterol production in liver by blocking the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol.)

- Fibrates (Fibric acid; helps to reduce the liver’s production of triglyceride-carrying particle that circulates around in the blood and speeding up the removal of triglyceride from the blood. It is effective in leveling HDL cholesterol level but not as effective in reducing LDL cholesterol level in serious patients)

- Niacin (a type of Vitamin B that is found in dairy products and it helps to function digestive systems, skin and nerves. It is essential for the energy conversion from food. Deficiency of niacin in the body can cause pellagra however large doses of niacin cause liver damage, peptic ulcers and skin rashes.)

If blood flow is not restored, heart cells may injure and die.

Heart Attack

Heart attack is Singapore’s number 2 killer after cancer. When the patient has atherosclerosis, blood supply is insufficient and may cause a heart attack to occur. Otherwise, a blockage in the artery due to deposition of cholesterol can cause stroke. Stroke will unable one to speak properly, unable to coordinate and numb one side of the body.

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease, the number one killer in the U.S and it is also now the main cause of disability. Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease. This occurs when the cholesterol builds up on the inner walls, causing the lumen to be narrowed. Thus, lesser blood flows leads to lesser oxygen transport and causing permanent heart damage.

Our Focus

Circulatory System

In this season of FLL, we are going to mainly revolve around the topic of “Circulatory System”. Blood circulates around our body that contains oxygen and nutrients and even fats and cholesterol. When these fats and cholesterol excessively accumulates in our body, this will result into adverse health problems like atherosclerosis and heart diseases. Thus, our focus is on atherosclerosis and we will find out the solution to this problem.

Why we choose atherosclerosis as our focus?

Atherosclerosis will cause heart disease and stroke which is the highest cause of deaths in Singapore. This season, we want to challenge on our problem solving skills to find out the solution to atherosclerosis and educate people around how to prevent atherosclerosis.