Thursday, January 20, 2011



Atherosclerosis will eventually cause 2 main problems: One of which is the atheromatous plaques will lead to plaque ruptures and clots inside the lumen of the artery. The clots are able to heal but usually shrink and leave the artery to narrow or worse still, close the entire lumen of the artery. Thus, this will bring down the efficiency of blood supply.

Atherosclerosis is a progressive and painless progress and caused by the hole in the arterial wall and allowing cholesterol and fatty materials to fill up the hole. These fatty substances oxidize and activate the white blood cell to release signals for more white blood cells to clutter at the damaged area. These white blood cells form into foam cells thus causing a plaque to form and narrowing the artery.

Thus, atherosclerosis is the culprit of heart disease.

In order to reduce atherosclerosis, one must:

- Maintain a healthy diet

- Doing regular exercise

- Abstaining from smoking

However, it will not unclog the artery but lower the risk of having more heart problems.

Drugs have been used to lower cholesterol levels such as:

- Statins (commonly used drug that lowers cholesterol production in liver by blocking the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol.)

- Fibrates (Fibric acid; helps to reduce the liver’s production of triglyceride-carrying particle that circulates around in the blood and speeding up the removal of triglyceride from the blood. It is effective in leveling HDL cholesterol level but not as effective in reducing LDL cholesterol level in serious patients)

- Niacin (a type of Vitamin B that is found in dairy products and it helps to function digestive systems, skin and nerves. It is essential for the energy conversion from food. Deficiency of niacin in the body can cause pellagra however large doses of niacin cause liver damage, peptic ulcers and skin rashes.)

If blood flow is not restored, heart cells may injure and die.

Heart Attack

Heart attack is Singapore’s number 2 killer after cancer. When the patient has atherosclerosis, blood supply is insufficient and may cause a heart attack to occur. Otherwise, a blockage in the artery due to deposition of cholesterol can cause stroke. Stroke will unable one to speak properly, unable to coordinate and numb one side of the body.

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease, the number one killer in the U.S and it is also now the main cause of disability. Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease. This occurs when the cholesterol builds up on the inner walls, causing the lumen to be narrowed. Thus, lesser blood flows leads to lesser oxygen transport and causing permanent heart damage.

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